
Hi! I’m Alexander, a second-year graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University pursuing an MS in Music and Technology. My research interests revolve around designing, developing, and evaluating innovative approaches in HCI, often drawing from my interdisciplinary background in media arts and music computing.

Currently, I’m advised by David Lindlbauer in the Augmented Perception Lab and Chris Donahue in the Generative Creativity Lab. I’m also an affiliated student of the Center for Transformational Play under the guidance of Erik Harpstead. Additionally, I work closely with Jesse Stiles and Annie Hui-Hsin Hsieh, serving as the teaching assistant for CMU’s experimental music group Exploded Ensemble.

Before joining CMU, I earned my BS in Interactive Media Arts🎨 from New York University (Shanghai), where I also minored in Computer Science💻, Game Design🎮, and Music🎼. Beyond academics, I’m an avid gamer and music enthusiast. I find as much joy in playing games and listening to music as I do in creating my own games and music.


June 2024 Excited to join the Soundability Lab!

April 2024 MARingBA received a Best Paper Honorable Mention (top 5%) at CHI 2024!